It’s a magical new world of romance, adventure and passion within the Georgian era of England. My half-elven hero, Dominic Raikes, finds that his arranged marriage to Lady Cassandra Bridges brings him much more than he bargained for. Trained as an assassin to murder Dominic’s father, the last thing Cass expects is to fall in love with her new husband. But dark magic and secrets threatens not only their newfound love, but also their very lives.
THE FIRE LORD’S LOVER is a very interesting title. How did you arrive at that name?
The meaning of the title becomes clear toward the end of the book, and since I don’t want to give any spoilers, I’ll have to pass on answering this one.
What made you decide to write in this genre?
I started writing a straight historical, kept imagining a new world of magic within that context, and began to combine everything that I love: fantasy, history and romance.
Where did you get your idea for this particular book?
I fell in love with Legolas in Lord of the Rings, and have always been fascinated with the Sidhe, and created a new world with the elven lords as central characters, with my half-blood humans as the heroes and heroines.
What are your favorite fantasy research books, and why?
I don’t have fantasy research books per se, although I have quite a few historical research books. Here are some of my favorites for the eighteenth century:
Costume in Context/The Eighteenth Century by Jennifer Ruby ISBN 071345772
Private Places/Life in the Great London Houses by Christopher Simon Sykes ISBN0670809640
A History of Fashion in Costume/The Eighteenth Century by Anne Rooney 0816059489
Books I own:
Daily Life in Eighteenth Century England by Kirstin Olsen 0313299331
The Hanoverians by Jeremy Black 1852854634
The Story of Britain by Rebecca Fraser 9780393329025
My research into fantasy is comprised of reading lots and lots of fantasy novels. And having a vivid imagination and a love for creating new worlds.
Which character did you like writing about the most, and why?
My elven half-blood hero, Dominic Raikes. With the physical beauty of the elven (and let’s not forget the pointed ears) he became so beautiful in my mind. He’s the most tortured (literally) hero that I’ve ever written. Knowing the pain he went through that made him such a cold man, and realizing that he became that way because he had such a sensitive heart, made me fall for him very hard. His bravery even stunned me at times. He had to have a strong enough heroine to break through that shell, and I had a great time writing Lady Cassandra for him…the only woman who might manage it.
Tell us about how you develop your characters. Do you create character sheets, do interviews, that sort of thing? How does your research and world affect your character development?
Everything is woven together, sometimes only in my mind. I used to do sheets on all of my characters, including their favorite color, foods, where they went to school, etc. But only a small part of that information actually wound up in my books, and with deadlines I needed to utilize my time more efficiently. So I now use index cards for each of my characters, with their basic information. I shared my character cards here on MCTT, in my June 15th blog post.
How do you go about building your world? Do you use maps, charts or drawings?
All of the above. I have posted them on various blogs for my Virtual Tour (my schedule is posted on my personal blog http://www.kathrynekennedy.blogspot.com/), and I will have them up on my website once my tour is over at the end of July.
Do you have any authors that inspired you?
So very many, including the inspiration that I receive from my chapter mates in Desert Rose and Valley of the Sun writing groups.
What do you feel is the most effective promotion you have done for your book?
Website, first and foremost. Having a place where readers can stay in touch with you is so important. In conjunction with that: a newsletter, an easy link to email the author, a new release page, purchase links, and some information about your books that only those who visit your website can discover.
What do we have to look forward to next?
The re-release of my first novel, BENEATH THE THIRTEEN MOONS, in paperback in December of this year. And then after that, book two in THE ELVEN LORDS series, currently titled: THE LADY OF THE STORM, where we continue the adventures of Cecily, who you’ll meet in THE FIRE LORD’S LOVER.
Thanks, Kathryne!
To celebrate her book release, Kathryne is offering a free book of THE FIRE LORD’S LOVER to one lucky commenter on today's blog. (please check the blog Monday night to see if you won. Chances of winning determined by the number of entries.)
Due to a family emergency, Kathryne will be checking in periodically today. I'm sure some of you have questions or comments for her, so please ask away and she'll respond when she can. Thanks.
Kathryne Kennedy's historical fantasy romances have garnered awards and a growing readership. This exciting new series, set against the lavish backdrops of Georgian and Victorian England so beloved by romance readers, is deliciously dark and exciting.
Fighting for control of a kingdom that is split into seven domains, Elven warlords use their human slaves to breed an endless supply of soldiers for their armies. Dominic Raikes, the half-blood son of the Elven Lord himself is one such warrior. Betrothed to Lady Cassandra, who has been raised in a convent to keep her pure, he little suspects that she's been secretly trained as an assassin to murder his father. Dominic and Cassandra soon discover that each one is not what they seem, but the price of trust may be their very lives, and the destruction of the magical realm each is desperately trying to save…
Kathryne Kennedy is a multipublished, award-winning author of magical romances. She’s lived in Guam, Okinawa, and several states in the U.S., and currently lives in Arizona with her wonderful family—which includes two very tiny Chihuahuas. She welcomes readers to visit her website where she has ongoing contests at: www.KathryneKennedy.com.
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Kathryne’s Bookseller Directory
Good morning Kathryne. Thanks for sharing part of you day with us. Your chocolate is almost ready. Having loved your other series, I can't wait to dive into this one.:) Big hugs to you and your family.
Hi Kathryne. Great interview. The Fire Lord's Lover sounds good. I like how you have elements of magic and a historical setting.
I am very intrigued by the magic in the history. It sounds like a wonderful story. If I don't win a copy of the book I think I will have to trot myself down to the bookstore and pick up a copy! Loved the interview.
Hi Kim! It's great to be a guest on my very own group blog. I feel honored. :}
Thank you for the good wishes!
Hi CrystalGB! I do hope you enjoy the mix of genres. Thx for such a lovely comment!
Hi Kelly! So good to hear that you're so intrigued. I do so hope you enjoy the book. Best wishes!
I don't know if I can wait to see if I possibly win a book. Might have to buy it now!
This series sounds like its going to be the wonderful, perfect blend of fantasy and historical romance. Great interview!
Hi Kathryne, Lovely interview. We enjoy reading your stories and can't wait to read THE FIRE LORD'S LOVER. You are the perfect blend of fantasy, history and romance. What's not to love.
Glad to hear about your book again - I've been reading such good things and am looking forward to what I call a new genre!! I like the idea of not being able to say what every book should be labeled!
Hi Pat! You have been such a loyal follower on my tour. Bless you, and good luck!
Hi Amber! Your support has meant a lot to me. Thank you!
Hi Tia Dani! I adore you ladies!
Hi Catslady! Another loyal follower. Wishing you the best as well!
Good afternoon from Wales :D Great intervieww Kathryne and I still want to read your book TFLL - jsut need someone to add to my bookfund (loud hints at family seem to be wearing them down)
HI Kathryne! I sooo love the idea for this book! (Im a big fan of Legolas too! lol!). The Cover is great too.
Im betting you'll have MANY sales!
hugs, Kari Thomas www.authorkari.com
Hi Kathryne,
I love pointy earred heroes. I hope all your elven/human characters have them.
LOL Ilona! Wales is going to be a feature in book three of the series, as I kept it independent of the elven lord's rule, and the Rebellion establishes a sanctuary there that is beyond the magical barrier. Thx so much for commenting!
Hi Kari! I hope other readers feel the way that you do. :}
Hi Linda! I love 'em too! All the elven lords have them, of course, and most of my half-breed h/h.
Kathryne, I'm in love with your hero already! He sounds fascinating! I cannot wait to read this book and start a whole new series from you. Thank you for writing such great books and keep them coming!
Awesome interview and I love the book sounds like an interesting read.
I love the mix of fantasy and historical!
Thank you for wanting them, Alexis. :}
Hi jeanette8042! Thanks so much for the kind comment.
Hi Estella! That's so great to hear.
Another great interview. I've enjoyed your blog tour very much, win or lose, The Fire Lord's Lover will be in my hands. I read several reviews and they all have all been VERY favorable! Yeah!!
Have a great weekend!
I love the historical setting of your novel combined with the fantasy elements. Sounds like it will be just as good as your previous series of shifters which I thoroughly enjoyed. I too fell in love with Legolas from LOTR. Enjoyed the interview and I am looking forward to reading this new series.
Kathryne, great interview! I love tortured heroes...they have such depth. And it takes a strong heroine to get past their defenses. An assassin? Definitely a strong woman!
Sound like a great book can't wait to read it.
Hi Kathryne,loved the interview.The fire lord sounds like a great read.I can't wait to read it.
Hi Scorpio M! I always love hearing from you! Thx so much for following my tour!
Hi Cherie J! That's so great to hear~thank you for the lovely comment!
Hi Carrie! I so appreciate you taking the time to comment. Thx!
Hi Stacey! Me too. :}
Hi Peggy! Thank you for the kind comment!
The blog owner will be picking a winner and posting it in a blog announcement today! Good luck to all, and thank you so much for your interest!
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