Here's the cover blurb:
India McGuire's peaceful life is shattered when on the night of her engagement to David Richards, she comes face to face with Chase Porter, a long lost love. India must come to terms with her overpowering feelings for Chase and choose between David, the neighbor who says he loves her, and Chase, the man who broke her heart.
Chase's plans of leaving quietly turn to disaster when he finds that it's impossible to disappear without seeing India one last time. Feelings begin to surface that he believed buried forever and he finds himself fighting to win her back even as David struggles to hold onto her.
India longs to follow her heart, but she's been hurt too deeply. Who will she choose? The neighbor who can provide stability or the man she vowed to love forever who may once again heed to the call of the open road?
This Time for Keeps is a very interesting title. How did you arrive at that name?
This Time for Keeps portrays a second shot at romance for Chase and India and if they can make it work, she wants it to be forever. She believes in marrying only once and for life.
What made you decide to write in this genre?
This Time for Keeps actually started out as a post-WWII romance, but it just didn't feel right and became a contemporary romance.
Are you a plotter or a pantser and how did it affect the writing of this book?
I am a big-time plotter. I can't imagine writing a book without some major plotting.
Did you have to do a lot of research for the book? What are your favorite research books or sites?
I didn't have to do any research for this book because it's contemporary. However, I did do research for Queen of Hearts, my WWII romantic suspense. My favorite website is one of abandoned buildings. I used it to come up with an idea in my mind of what the abandoned mental institution looked like that my heroine hides out in. The website is http://www.opacity.us/locations/
Where did you get your idea for this particular book?
As I stated, it began as a WWII romance. Many young men went away to war and returned changed. Sometimes, their girl was waiting and sometimes, she'd found someone else.
Which character did you like writing about the most, and why?
I enjoyed writing about Chase. He's a guy who traveled the world with the military, partied, and lived it up. It was interesting to find that he was embarrassed that India would find out about his carousing.
Tell us about how you develop your characters. Do you create character sheets, do interviews, that sort of thing? How does your research affect your character development?
I use extensive character sheets and as I write, I continually ask myself, "Would my character really do that? Or, say that?"
Do you have any authors that inspired you?
I absolutely love Lisa Jackson and Harlen Coben when it comes to suspense. I pick their books apart, studying craft.
What do you feel is the most effective promotion you have done for your book?
Blog tours without a doubt. They help get your name out.
What do we have to look forward next?
In January, my first book in The Zoe Mack Mystery Series will debut. It's a young adult mystery series that's heavy on the romance.
Thanks, K. Dawn!
She will be around part of the day so if you have any questions, please ask away.
Good morning K. Dawn. Thanks for joining us today. I'll have your chocolate ready shortly. I love your title and book cover. Interesting dilemma. I'm curious to find out who she chose. Did you ever change her choice while writing the book or did you stay true to your plotting? Thanks for stopping by. Enjoy your day with us.
You are a new to me author. Your book sounds very interesting.
Both your books sound great (I love WWII stories). I know that you're a plotter but have any of your characters acted in a way that made you change a subplot?
K. Dawn
I very much enjoyed your interview and what you had to say about your writing process. I, too, can't finish a book without some plotting. I'm looking forward to reading your book. Romantic suspense is one of my favs.
Thanks for the comments!
Kim: With this book, I stayed true to my plotting. I knew from the time I started who she'd end up with.
I'm a huge plotter! There have been times I've changed subplots. Sometimes, characters take a life of their own and take me down roads I hadn't planned.
India is a great name for a character.
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