Oh, good. I’m quite crazy at the moment, so the therapy and the chocolate are much needed. Does this include massage therapy, too? Because that would be great. (Sorry, just chocolate today. KW)

I’m so excited about this book. It’s the first of a three-book series featuring the three Marshall brothers. Here’s the blurb from the back cover:
Introducing The Marshalls…
A rich, powerful family that mix business, politics… and pleasure.
If the US had a royal family – this would be it!
Running scared, Lily needs a fresh start – and, fingers crossed, she’s found one. After all, why would any of her new employers, members of the powerful Marshall dynasty, even think to look beyond her humble façade?
Until she catches the roving eye of heartbreaker Ethan Marshall…
A fling with one of the Marshalls is a bad idea – especially for a girl with a scandalous past. But Lily is terrifyingly susceptible to Ethan’s lethal brand of high-class charm…
It’s a different kind of book for me and I’m thrilled it’s finally out.
The Privileged and The Damned is a very interesting title. How did you arrive at that name?
As with most titles, this one came from my editor. But I will say that after growing up on those The Blank and The Blank titles, it’s kind of fun to have my own!
Are you a plotter or a pantser and how did it affect the writing of this book?
I’m a pantser who really wishes she could be a plotter (but knows that’s just not a good idea). I actually tried to plot this book and it went horribly, terribly wrong. Once I tossed the outline and just ran with it, this book was fun to write.
Did you have to do a lot of research for the book? What are your favorite research books or sites?
I had to learn a lot about horses – and since I’ve ridden a few times, but never spent much time in a stable, I had a lot of surprises in store. Thankfully, I have friends with lots of horse experience and knowledge, and they were available by phone to help. It is the curse of the pantser that we write ourselves into corners and must stop to research a way to get out of it. The internet is great, but I love having the Phone-A-Friend option!
Where did you get your idea for this particular book?
I’d watched a special on the History Channel about the Kennedys, and I was really grabbed by the idea of belonging to such a powerful and public family. That’s what got the gears turning for the Marshalls.
Which character did you like writing about the most, and why?
I love the Marshall brothers and the way they interact with each other. The scenes when they are together are some of my favorites. But I was really drawn to Lily. She’s a unique heroine – very unlike my usual characters. She’s very complicated and wounded, and that’s not something I’ve done before. It was hard to get inside her head and it was sometimes painful for me to be there. She’s strong, though, and I’m glad I went there. It made me stronger too.
Tell us about how you develop your characters. Do you create character sheets, do interviews, that sort of thing? How does your research affect your character development?
I have to write them to get to know them. The first couple of chapters will be in fits and starts simply because I’m still figuring out who they are. I’ll often write my way through, getting to know them, and at the end of the first draft, go back and rewrite the beginning to reflect who these people are!
What do we have to look forward next?
The next Marshall brother to get his story is Brady. He’s the oldest of the three brothers – very responsible, very involved in the family’s political future. I had a great time turning his life upside down! The Power and The Glory will be out in December. I just turned in Finn’s book (hence the need for chocolate and a massage) and it will be out in early 2012.
I also want to mention that I have a great contest going on to celebrate this release. Just click over to my website for info and how to enter!
Thanks, Kimberly!
My pleasure. Thanks for having me!
She will be around all day today. I'm sure some of you have questions or comments for her, so please ask away...
Kimberly Lang hid romance novels behind her textbooks in junior high, and even a master’s program in English couldn’t break the obsession with dashing heroes and Happily Ever After. A ballet dancer turned English teacher, Kimberly married an electrical engineer and turned her life into an ongoing episode of “When Dilbert Met Frasier.” She and her Darling Geek live in beautiful North Alabama with their one Amazing Child—who, unfortunately, shows an aptitude to sports.
Check out author’s website at www.BooksByKimberly.com
Good morning Kimberly. Waving hi from Chicago where we're on vacation. Enjoy your day with us. We're on our way to the Museum of Science and Industry. :)
Thank you for dropping by MCTT. I am a plotter who wishes she could be a pantser and still get in all of the important details. I think I get too distracted so I need a roadmap or I'll start in AZ and end up in Australia.
Hi Kimberly! Love the title of the book, and the premise sounds wonderful. Great to get to know you!
Hello Kimberly,
Your book sounds fascinating. I love these kind of power broker stories and for a long time they'd gone out of style. I'm very happy to see them coming back. Congratulations on your new series.
Hi Kimberly, great interview! I know what you mean about being a pantser who wants to be a plotter. We all have to trust our process, though, right?
Your new books sounds wonderful!
HI everyone! Thanks for stopping by to say hi!
Yes, plotter or panster, you have to trust the process.
Tina, it's funny you should mention road maps. I did a blog over at the Pink Heart Society (pinkheartsociety.blogspot.com) earlier this week about how all my books are road trips to Graceland.
This is my first attempt at a "family saga" and I have to say it was challenging, but so much fun.
It's always great to read about another author's process. I like to think I'm a plotter, because I do value structure and I approach each novel with graphs and charts and the like...then I start to write and all these surprises emerge! I know they're necessary, maybe even the best parts of each novel, but they drive me crazy!
Hoping for great success with this new series,
Hi Kimberly,
The book sounds like a lot of fun. Now I have to go to the other site to figure out how Graceland fits into everything.
Congrats on your book! I love stories with powerful heroes.
I need to go to Graceland one of these days. Sounds like fun. I remember catching my mother dancing in the living room in front of the TV when an Elvis movie was playing.
I've never actually gone to Graceland. It's on my to-do list, though!
Congrats on the new release, Kimberly. Can't wait to meet the Marshall dynasty.
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