The blurb says it best.
Giles is bound to protect her...
In a kingdom viciously ruled by warlike elven lords, village blacksmith Giles Beaumont reluctantly swears to protect the half-elf, half-human Cecily Sutton, never dreaming that he will fall under her enchanting spell.
But duty soon turns to desire...
When Cecily's father disappears, Cecily and Giles set out to find him. But, as their journey unfolds, duty is quickly replaced by desire--and the search for Cecily's father leads to a magical destiny that could end the rule of the elven lords forever ...
In a kingdom viciously ruled by warlike elven lords, village blacksmith Giles Beaumont reluctantly swears to protect the half-elf, half-human Cecily Sutton, never dreaming that he will fall under her enchanting spell.
But duty soon turns to desire...
When Cecily's father disappears, Cecily and Giles set out to find him. But, as their journey unfolds, duty is quickly replaced by desire--and the search for Cecily's father leads to a magical destiny that could end the rule of the elven lords forever ...
THE LADY OF THE STORM is a very interesting title. How did you arrive at that name?
Actually, the first incarnation was THE STORM LORD’S DAUGHTER, but my publisher felt THE LADY OF THE STORM fit in better with the rest of the titles in the series (THE FIRE LORD’S LOVER, THE LORD OF ILLUSION). Although I enjoy brainstorming titles, I don’t get attached to them.
What made you decide to write in this genre?
I took my love of fantasy and historical romance and combined them.
Where did you get your idea for this particular book?
It flowed naturally from the first book in the series, THE FIRE LORD’S LOVER, as I introduced Lady Cecily and her powerful magic over sea and sky. I needed to explore her further, and the plot developed naturally from there.
What are your favorite fantasy research books, and why?
I read fantasy fiction. What better way to find inspiration and to discover what’s already been done?
Which character did you like writing about the most, and why?
My hero, Giles Beaumont, was a rather arrogant sort of fellow. I enjoyed his evolution to a vulnerable lover.
Tell us about how you develop your characters. Do you create character sheets, do interviews, that sort of thing? How does your research and world affect your character development?
I start with a basic personality, and my characters grow as I write. People are a product of their times, so the history affects some of the ways in which they would act. I often create characters who would have the most difficult time dealing with the situation I put them in.
How do you go about building your world? Do you use maps, charts or drawings?
All of the above, including 3x5 cards of notes. You can see my map of the realm, and much of my notes, on my website.
Do you have any authors that inspired you?
All of them. I have yet to read any book where I haven’t learned or appreciated some concept within it.
What do you feel is the most effective promotion you have done for your book?
As always, my website. My publisher sets up a blog tour, and I have discovered that is effective in reaching the on-line readers as well.
What do we have to look forward next?
The third book in THE ELVEN LORDS series will be released February 2012. THE LORD OF ILLUSION is about a scholar who is sent on a quest to rescue a slave, and finds his destiny and heart along the way.
Thanks, Kathryne!
To celebrate her book release, Sourcebooks is offering a free book of THE LADY OF THE STORM (U.S. & Canada mailing addresses only) to one lucky commenter on today's blog. (Please check the blog Monday night to see if you won. Chances of winning determined by the number of entries.)
She will be around all day today. I'm sure some of you have questions or comments for her, so please ask away...
“Fantastical creatures, magical spells, lengthy quests, angst, and passion will satisfy readers looking for a romance plot in a well-developed fantasy setting."~Publishers Weekly
“Kennedy’s exquisite world building and terrific plotting make this a must-read.”~Booklist STARRED review
Barnes and Noble
Kathryne’s Bookseller Directory
Kathryne Kennedy is an acclaimed, best-selling, award-winning author of magical romances. She welcomes readers to visit her website where she has ongoing contests at www.kathrynekennedy.com. She’s lived in Guam, Okinawa, and several states in the U.S., and currently lives with her wonderful family in Arizona, where she is working on the next book in The Elven Lords series, The Lord of Illusion (February 2012).
Good morning Kathryne. It's always a pleasure promoting one of our own. How's the blog tour going? The Lady of the Storm sounds like another wonderful read. I can't wait to get my hands on a copy and immerse myself in your world again. Curious minds want to know, what is a typical writing day like for you? Let me know when you need more chocolate. :) Enjoy your day.
Hey Kim! It's such a pleasure to be hosted here at my own group blog. :} The tour is just starting, but I am meeting such wonderful readers, I'm having a great time.
Hmm. I haven't had typical writing days lately, but usually I write in the morning, 5-6 hours straight, and then return to the real world. Recently I've had to write a bit here and there when I can, but hopefully I'll be back to my regular schedule soon.
Oh, yeah. I am getting low on M&M's. ;}
Hi Kathryne!
So glad to read the interview, I always learn something from your posts. This newest book sounds so exciting that I'm planning a trip to Kierland tomorrow to get it. LOL!!
Good Luck my friend!
That's so sweet that you are making a special trip for it, Donna! I hope you fall in love with Giles and Cecily as much as I did. :}
Great interview. The Lady of the Storm sounds wonderful. Love the cover.
Thanks, Crystal GB. It's one of my favorites. :}
Don't enter me, I have already had the wonderful experience of being in Katheryne's world for The Lady of the Storm and I hated for it to end. I am so looking forward to The Lord of Illusion.
You are one of my favorite readers, Catslady! Thanks for stopping by and making my day brighter!
Well, I certainly have another great book to look forward to! Thanks for the interveiw.. Be sure to let any of us know when chocolate needs to be administered!!
i love your books and cannot wait to read this one!
I love these books...The Fire Lord was great so I can't wait for this sequel.
Thanks for giving us more insight into your philosopjy, looking forward to reading the new book!
Wksword at msn
I'm looking forward to reading this one. You're a must-read.
I'm looking forward to reading The Lady of The Storm!
I LOVED The Fire Lord's Lover and can't wait to read Lady of the Storm. I'm hoping for an entire series covering all seven of the realms.
Hi Kathryne,
I haven't had the chance to read any of these yet. Life gets in the way sometimes. LOL The Lady of the Storm sounds really good. Of course I need to read the Fire Lord first.
Yah I love romantic fantasy, all those mythical creatures coming alive on the page :-) I'd love to win, I have most of the rest of your books!
Thank you Kathryne for taking the time to come visit and share some of the behind the scenes from your book. It sounds wonderful!
Hi, Kathryne,
Enjoyed the interview and the lovely
cover for the Lady! Can you tell us
anything about your next book? ( I
like to look and plan ahead!)
Pat Cochran
what fun! i love to read the backstory of who what why where how the authors create their worlds! Love your writing. :)
I recently started reading fantasy books and I really like them. Some of the worlds created are amazing and yet believable. Kathryne you are a new author to me and it looks like I'll have to remedy that. I've never met a half-elf and half-human and find this very interesting. Congratulations on the release of The Lady of the Storm.
Hi girlygirlhoosier52! My pleasure! And I'd have a chocolate IV if there was one. :}
Hi Erika! Music to my ears. ;}
Hi Kuzlin! So great to hear you're looking forward to the sequel!
Hi ELF! I figure when responding to comments, and writing emails, it's like talking. We're allowed to stumble over our fingers the same way we do with our tongues. :}
Hi Virginia e! I'm very glad you think so!
Great to hear, Estella!
Hi Gingersnaps! You'll see several of the realms in The Lady of the Storm. I hope you enjoy the peek into them!
Hi kansassweet43! They can be read as stand-alones, but like you, I like to read the first one first. :}
Great to hear, Glittergirl! If you don't win today, no worries. I'll be blogging all month with chances to win.
My pleasure, Eva!
Hi Pat Cochran! The third book is The Lord of Illusion, coming out Feb 2012. It concludes the series...well, sort of. I left lots of openings for more books in this world. I just hate closing doors. :}
Love your comment, Jessie V! :}
Thank you, Na! And welcome to the wonderful world of fantasy. :}
I so love Kathryne's perfect mix of fantasy and romance! I can't wait to get LADY OF THE STORM. Her books just keep getting better and better. My finances are so dire right now I'd be so grateful to win a free copy please. Thanks so much!
Amy (performing and loving SF & F in NYC. www.idanz.net/aharlib)
The Lady of The Storm sounds good.
Oh how I loved The Fire Lord's Lover, can't wait to read the new one. Your one of my favorite authors, I love Ur books and best wishes to you!!!!
Hi Aharlib! I wish you luck, Amy, but if you don't win a copy today, follow my tour. There will be lots of opportunities to win! Check my blog for dates and links.
Good to know, Patsy. :}
Hi Clarissa21! I'm honored, truly. Best wishes to you as well!
I can't wait to read The Lady of the Storm. I loved The Fire Lord's Lover and really really want to read this one! Thanks for the giveaway!
Hi Kathyrne I just wanted to say I love your books you realy bring the characters to life and its easy to escape into your books you're awesome 'Have a great week
Hi Kathryne, Loved reading your blog and learning more about your stories and writing. I haven't had the opportunity yet to read the Fire Lord's Lover, but I'm certainly looking forward to reading this series. It sounds like it's going to be a great fantasy one. I love your writing, so I know I'm going to love these new books. Thanks for sharing your amazing talents with us.
Congrats on the new release can't wait to read it.
What makes a book a keeper for you?
Good luck to everyone.
your books are awesome awesome interview ty for stopping in
I so love the book covers
I enjoyed the interview. Good way to learn about an author. I have not read this series but the book sounds great from the blurb. Looking to check it out the other books. Thanks for sharing.
Hy Kathryne,
I'm now waiting for my copy of The Fire Lord's Lover to come and from everything I've heard I know I'll love it.I've also heard so many positive's about The Lady of The Storm it's already on my TRL.I enjoyed your interview, love the Titles and the covers. Do you have any input and decisions about the names of your books Kathryne ?
Carol L
Lucky4750 (at) aol (dot) com
I loved the first book int the series. I am looking forward to the 2nd. book.
Good day to you Kathryne, congrats on you new book. It sounds wonderful, great story. I love fantasy, paranormal all that stuff. These days I really need an escape and books are much cheaper than drugs. Just kidding. But I do so love getting lost in a good story. Just wanted to thank you for sharing your stories with us. What a wonderful gift you have. Enjoy your day. Joni
Hi, Kathryne, and congrats on the new release!
Your attention to detail really shines through in your world building. Do you also keep a plot/character "bible" with notes for each series?
Kim, thanks for the great interview.
I read Fire lords Lover and loved it cannot wait to read your new book.
So excited about this next book in the series, Kathryne! What a wonderful concept :-)
Thanks for the interview, always interesting to read about the authors and the background of a book.
skpetal at hotmail dot com
Hi Ntzee! So glad you enjoyed TFLL! Good luck!
Hi Wanda f! So glad to hear from such a devoted reader!
Hi dawn2454! Hope you enjoy my new elven series! Thank you for the kind words.
Hi mary f! A keeper for me is a book that I can't put down, and want to visit again and again.
Hi SiNn! Thanks so much for your enthusiastic words! :}
Hi Tamsyn! Thanks so much for your interest!
Hi Carol L! Yes, I do come up with my own titles. If my publisher doesn't love it, I will come up with optional titles until we are both happy.
Great to hear, Tam G.! :}
Hi Joni! Thank you for such a lovely comment.
Hi Barbara! Thanks! My 'bible' consists of 3x5 note cards clipped together, charts, diagrams and (very bad) drawings. :}
Hi Melanie! Thank you for letting me know! :}
Hi Alexis! Glad you think so. :}
Hi Jean P! My pleasure. :}
Thank you for this wonderful world. I look forward to many more books.
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