Kim Watters here. Well, I did it. Something I thought I'd never do. I climbed out on the clear platform of the Willis (Sears) Tower on the 103rd floor during our recent vacation to Chicago. Okay, so I was practically hyperventilating....and freaked out but I couldn't let my kids get the best of me. Unfortunately I don't have a picture that I can post to prove it because my camera died. I did shell out $32 for the pictures they took but I don't have a scanner so you'll have to use your imagination.

Here's a photo courtesy of the Willis Tower website though to give you an idea. It's giving me the shivers just looking at it.
How did I do it?
I didn't look down!
But I did it. So next time you're in Chicago, you've got to try it. If you dare. Trust me. If this chicken can do it, so can you. Closing your eyes also works as well.
It does look scary. I think they did it on an Indian reservation somewhere over the Grand Canyon too. I bet the view was fantastic.
Glad you're having a great time. Yipes, looks scary.
You did it! I would like to try despite finding it a very scary thing. Good memories and views to have.
Congratulations on going out there! That must have been something. How did your kids react?
You're braver the I am!
Wow, Kim. Cool! So are you going to do the Grand Canyon one next?
Hope your vacation was wonderful.
It looks scary......... But fun.
Glad you had a great time and congrats on getting out there and trying something that scared the stuffings out of you!
Thanks for stopping by everyone. It was scary and I managed to survive. The kids loved it. Especially my reaction. No plans to do that at the Grand Canyon though. Willis Tower included this in the admission price for going to the top. I'm too cheap to pay for that kind of trauma otherwise. :)
Um, yeah, that is one scary picture. Kudos to you!
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