If you recall from book 1, THE FIRE LORD'S LOVER, Lady Cassandra and Thomas rescued a young girl named Cecily. This is her story, along with Giles Beaumont, a man twice cursed, once with a blood-hungry sword, and later...well, I'd like to keep that a surprise. Cecily is the elven half-breed daughter of Breden, the elven lord of Dewhame with the power of sea & sky, and she inherited those magical powers, although it will take her some time to come to terms with her abilities. But this is part of the reason I adore this cover, which captures the lightning she can command, the sparkles of magic, the ethereal feel of the images that capture the style of the story inside.
I only had a few recommendations: I'd love to see a pointed elven ear poking through Cecily's hair, Giles's hair must be the elven white, and I'm not sure about the color of my name, I think it captures attention but jars a bit. What do you think?
Anyhoo, I hope they don't change the cover too much, cause I really love it! And I hope you will love the story inside as well!
And I should note: the book doesn't release until August 2011...but I'm hard at work on book 3, LOVING THE LORD OF ILLUSION, so you won't have to wait as long for the next story. :}
I. Cannot. Wait! August 2011 is so far away...=(
Happy writing. I loved THE FIRE LORD'S LOVER.
Hi Kathryne,
The cover is beautiful! I agree with your comments except the one about your name. I like the color (big surprise), I just think if they widened the border around the title more, your name would meld better and be more connected to the title. Just my two cents :-)
The cover is beautiful, Kathryne adn I like the way your name is so prominent. :)
Hi Scorpio! So great to hear. :}
Hi Alexis! My publisher had a fantastic solution, my name will be in gold foil. They also added the elven ear and the white hair to my elven hero...I'll post an update as soon as I can.
I do like your two cents. :}
Hi Estella! Glad you liked it!
Hi Kim! I've got a terrific publisher, whose goal is to build my name, not one particular book. Now, I just have to make sure I keep writing 'em. :}
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