Sunday, November 28, 2010

Character Development Review of Love and Other Drugs

(Spoil Alert - I will reveal plot points of the movie)

Character Development
Some writers are plot driven and some are character driven.
I admit I am plot driven because there is always some
sort of mystery in my story. I plot out, not only who did
it, but who might have done it, the red herrings, and the
clues to who did it along the way.
Although I am plot driven, I do know the value of
character development. The reader needs to care about
your hero/heroine before their pulse will rise when
you put your characters through the wringer.
Last night, I watched Love and Other Drugs starring
Jake Gyllenhaal and Anne Hathaway. This movie tackles the
hard reality of loving someone with Parkinsons. In the
beginning of the movie, neither wants a real relationship.
Anne plays Maggie, a woman who doesn't want anyone to
have to take care of her when her condition worsens.
She does at times feel sorry for herself,
which she is entitled to. Mostly she is tough and
brave, yet vulnerable. From the start,
we have a well-rounded,
three-dimensional character.
Jake plays Jamie, a young man who doesn't believe in himself.
He plays women to make a sale and for a good time.
At first, there are no ties in their relationship,
but then Maggie sees through him. She sees he really is
a good man and even names off the qualities she sees
in him, that he doesn't even see in himself.
He then falls in love with her.
Since this is a romance, boy gets girl and then loses her.
She sees that he is afraid of what she might become with
her disease and breaks up with him. Of course, he comes
to realize he is a better man with her.
He would rather live with her and her disease than face
life without her because. Loving her helps him love himself.
In the end, she takes him back, which is difficult
because she has to allow him to one day take care of her.
He quits his job and goes to medical school to live up to his
true potential. In any romance, the characters must
be better people for knowing each other, than they
probably would have been otherwise.
This story is a true romance, a great example of
character development, and a tear jerker.
Take Keenix.
I suggest you rent it later and jot down
notes on the character development as
it is revealed. This is quite helpful in
spotting how the writer reveals all facets
of the character's personality as it changes.
Until next week,
Happy Writing!
Tina LaVon

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