1. How did you hear about the Mr. Romance contest?
I competed last year (2010) when the RT Convention was in Columbus, OH (my home town) and was invited back this year. Originally, I got involved because my manager discovered the competition and encouraged me to enter. It was she that did the initial contestant nomination. Then this year the organizer, Cindy Walker, contacted me and said they would like to have me back this year and of course, I agreed.
2. What made you decide to enter?
Last year I had so much fun in the competition and convention that it seemed a no brainer to attend again this year. Of course, outside of the fun I knew the advantages for my career (networking, contacts, exposure) as a professional actor/model and also it was in LA so it seemed necessary that I go.
3. What was your best experience?
Out side of the dancing and networking, this year was winning contestant's choice, it is really a high honer to be chosen especially by this group of guys.
4. What did you like the least?
The only thing was probably the weather, because it was cool and rainy like spring in Ohio (where I am from) and not like typical California weather. I really was hoping to get to experience the Southern California weather especially after having weathered an exceptionally long and snowy winter on Ohio. So, I was dissappointed to not see the sunshine and warmth everyone talks about. However, the cometition schedule kepts us so busy that I didn't really get to leave the hotel so I guess it wasn't that big of a deal. (lol) Really, Mr. Romance is such a GREAT experience that there is nothing negative about the RT Convention.
5. You won an award during The Mr. Romance Competition. Did that take you by surprise? How did it feel to win?
I did win the Contestant's Choice. It did take me by suprise because all I was doing was being myself. I had done this before, so all I was trying to do was help out the other guys who hadn't, and did what I would want others to do for me. It was really unexpected to win and it gave me sense of satisfaction and a sense of completion for a job well done. Of course, when you enter something like this, you hope to win something, and to have been selected by my fellow contestants as the one they thought should win is a real honor. It really is a terriffic feeling to be selected by a group of your peers (that you truly like and respect) for an award. It was a fantastic moment, one I will always remember.
6. What do you do in your real life?
6. What do you do in your real life?
I am a professional actor/model, photographer. I have been working in the entertainment industry for the past ten years. I have been in feature films for Disney and Lionsgate and have done national and regional commercials. I am also a high school head wrestling coach in my home town Columbus, Ohio (Go Buckeyes!) and I am passionate about mentoring young people and helping them to be their best. Since I have gotten home from L.A., I have been busy preparing for a MAJOR audition and that has been, along with my family, my focus.
7. Would you enter again?
Absolutely!!!, I would go every year if I were able. It was such a great opportunity and experience. It is one of the best experiences in my life both personally and professionally.
8. Any other thoughts or comments you'd like to leave with our readers?
8. Any other thoughts or comments you'd like to leave with our readers?
I want to thank my family, friends, manager, and all of the lovely ladies I meet at both RT conventions (2010 and 2011) for all of their support. I also want to thank you, Kim, for thinking of me and taking the time to interview me. For those lovely ladies out there that I didn't get to meet at this year's convention, I hope we get to meet at a future RT Convention. AND If there are any ladies out there who haven't been to RT and are thinking about it... you need to go on and go and "get your virginity taken." (laughs and winks). I also want to invite everyone to follow me on twitter@DeLonnDonovan and on FaceBook at www.facebook.com/DeLonn.Donovan.
Hopefully I will see you in some capacity next year.
Thanks for stopping by DeLonn. Say hi to your family and good luck with the audition.
Good morning DeLonn. Thanks for stopping by today, your chocolate will be ready momentarily. I'm so excited you're here. So tell me, after all the wining and dining in LA, how hard was it for you to return to your "normal" life? :) Enjoy your day with us.
Thanks for a different type of interview. DeLonn sounds like a great guy and I hope some day to make one of those conventions!
DeLonn - I met you in Columbus and was glad to see you in LA. You are SUCH a sweet and genuine guy, and obviously the other contestants agreed!
I wish you luck on your upcoming audition. Please let us know how that turns out!
(Are you DeLonn Donovan in your professional life?)
Looks like blogger ate my post. He sounds like a wonderful young man and I hope some day to make one of those conventions! (I want to be a virgin again lol).
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