It’s about a scholar, Drystan Hawkes, who has been searching for years to find the one woman who might hold the key to freeing England from its slavery to the elven lords who invaded the country long ago. It’s about Camille Ashton, a girl enslaved in Dreamhame palace by the elven lord of glamour and illusion. It’s about healing hearts, and finding true love, and ultimately using that strength to conquer a great evil.
The Lord of Illusion is a very interesting title. How did you arrive at that name?
My hero’s primary magical power is that of glamour and illusion…although he doesn’t find the true strength of his gifts until he bonds with his true love.
What made you decide to write in this genre?
My love of history, fantasy, and of course, romance. When I wrote my first book, there wasn’t even a genre for what I did. Fortunately, other authors have discovered the fun of mixing genres to create a new one, and a new category was born.
Where did you get your idea for this particular book?
I fell in love with Legolas in The Lord of the Rings, and knew I wanted to create a new world centered around the beautiful fae.
What are your favorite fantasy research books, and why?
I don’t have any fantasy research books, although I have quite a few historical. I do use on-line sources for mythical characters. But the best research is to read fiction fantasy, to see what’s been created before, and how you can expand on that, or change it.
Which character did you like writing about the most, and why?
I think I’m a tiny, tiny bit swayed to Drystan. I love both my hero and heroine, but Drystan’s character came from a personal inspiration that stole a bit of my soul when I wrote him.
Tell us about how you develop your characters. Do you create character sheets, do interviews, that sort of thing? How does your research and world affect your character development?
I don’t do character sheets anymore, although I used to. Now, my characters are firmly set within my mind as I start writing…and develop throughout the book. My worlds are a mix of historical and fantasy, so the conventions of the time I’m writing in, and the challenges of living in a world of magic, all affect my characters and their personalities.
How do you go about building your world? Do you use maps, charts or drawings?
Yes, yes, and yes. :} You can view a map of the Elven Lords’ Realm, and my charts and notes on my website.
Do you have any authors that inspired you?
Many. Off the top of my head: Andre Norton, Patricia Briggs, Patricia McKillip, Robin McKinley, Johanna Lindsey, Jude Deveraux, Eloisa James, Sharon Shinn, Dave Duncan, Orson Scott Card, Erin Quinn, Jennifer Ashley, Michael Moorcock.
What do you feel is the most effective promotion you have done for your book?
My website, hands down. Recently, I’ve been enjoying the blog tours that my publisher sets up for me. Such a wonderful opportunity to talk to readers!
What do we have to look forward to next?
The fourth book in the Relics of Merlin series, Everlasting Enchantment. Sourcebooks is re-releasing the first three titles in the series (Enchanting the Lady, Double Enchantment, Enchanting the Beast) starting in August 2012 (so for those of you who’ve asked me for the Kindle editions…they’re coming. ;)
Thanks, Kathryne!
To celebrate her book release, Kathryne is offering a free book of The Lord of Illusion to one lucky commenter on today's blog. (US & Canada Shipping addresses only.)
(please check the blog Monday night to see if you won. Chances of winning determined by the number of entries.)
She will be around all day today. I'm sure some of you have questions or comments for her, so please ask away...
He'll do anything to save her...
Rebel Lord Drystan Hawkes dreams of fighting for England's freedom. He gets his chance when he finds a clue to opening the magic portal to Elfhame, and he must race to find the slave girl who holds the key to the mystery. But even as Drystan rescues Camille Ashton from Dreamhame Palace, it becomes unclear exactly who is saving whom.
For the fate of humankind lies with Camille...
Enslaved for years in a realm where illusion and glamour reign, Camille has learned to trust nothing and no one. But she's truly spellbound when she meets Drystan--a man different from any she's ever known, and the force of their passion may yet be strong enough to banish the Elven Lords from this world forever.
“The world sings with vivid imagery and fantastic magic, and all the previous characters join forces in a thrilling final fight for humankind.”~Publishers Weekly STARRED review
“The hero and heroine are also out of the ordinary, and while this novel remains true to romance-genre mores, Kennedy infuses it with unexpected plot twists that will keep fantasy readers enthralled, too.”~Booklist STARRED review
“Superb writing and a fast-moving plot combined with magical passion make this a real page-turner!”~RT BOOKReviews Top Rating and TOP PICK
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Kathryne’s Bookseller Directory
Kathryne Kennedy is a critically acclaimed, best-selling, award-winning author of magical romances. She welcomes readers to visit her website where she has ongoing contests at www.kathrynekennedy.com. She’s lived in Guam, Okinawa, and several states in the U.S., and currently lives with her wonderful family in Arizona, where she is working on the next book in her Relics of Merlin series, Everlasting Enchantment.
Good morning Kathryne. Thanks for sharing your book with us today. I'd offer up Girl Scout cookies today, but they're still in the cases waiting to be sorted. You'll just have to wait. Sorry. I love the title and cover of your book and can't wait to read it. Your worlds are so incredible and real, I find myself looking over my shoulder to see if there's an elf or a shifter behind me. Since you write series, what is the hardest thing you've discovered in writing them? Enjoy your day. :)
Your covers are so beautiful! Are you planning more books in the series or will you be starting a new one?
Ahhhh my favorite series :) After reading your review, I was wondering - Can you turn it on and off at will (quickly or slowly?) and/or does your fantasy world blend into real life or vice versa? I'm so looking forward to this new story.
This sound like a great story. I have not read this series yet.
This is a great series! I hope everyone gets a chance to read it.
Hi Kim! The hardest thing is making each book stand alone, and yet crafting an overall plot arc connecting the three. Great question!
Hi Linda! I had planned more books in this series, but I found a new world calling to me. I'm sure I will go back here one day, just as I did with the Relics series. It's fun to revisit old friends. :} Thank you for a great question.
Hi Catslady! My fav reader! Good to see you here! Sometimes it's hard to turn on...and off. But I don't mix my fantasy world with my reality, I just lose myself in it to escape.
Hi Estella! Good to hear!
Hey, Tina, missed your comment. Thank you for the rec!! :}
So anticipating on reading this series; it has elements that I would totally get hooked on.
I've been hearing such great things about the world you created in this series.
Raonaid at gmail dot com
So far I love just about all of your books I can get my hands on. Not all of them seem to be available for nook, so I try to snatch them up as soon as I can ^-^ I can't imagine how you keep all your characters straight in your head! It's funny that you mention Legolas, because your world-building always reminded me of a more romantic and intimate version of LOTRs.
Just wanted to say, you are one of my most favorite authors, I always look forward to the next realease, whatever series it may be. I have such a huge respect for you and all other authors as well, to write such amazing stories that never fail to be not only captivating, but also in many ways inspiring. I am an avid reader and usually read a book every couple days (I would read more, but I have a 2 year old Neice who wont let me) and I appriciate that authors such as yourself write such great books for us to escape to, I love them all, and I do have many fave authors, but you are definitly at the top, so thank you so much for the wonderful books, please dont ever stop! Books such as yours have gotten me through many a tough time :-)
Hi Raonaid! Good to hear from you again! And glad to know you're enjoying the world.
Hi Alyssa! Once the Relics are re-released, all my books should be available on Kindle. So sorry you have to wait!
Oh Megan! That's one of the most wonderful notes I've ever received. So glad to hear I'm one of your favs. :} Big hug.
Congratulations on the book! I enjoyed the interview.
Hi bn100! Thanks much!
And thank you to all the ladies who visited and commented today. Lovely to hear from you...and good luck in the drawing! Hugs, Kathryne
I enjoyed the interview; it was a great read.
I read book 1 and look forward in continuing this series.
Tracey D
Hi Kathryne, I think your books are amazing and I am enjoying all your blog posts:)
brandyzbooks at yahoo dot com
I just want to say that the worlds Kathryne as created are so amazing. This series is one of my favorites. Thanks for the interview.
Carol L
Lucky4750 (at) aol (dot) com
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