Alicia must marry quickly to save her family. Her choices narrow to either a masked cripple with the heart of a poet, or a handsome rake with a deadly secret. But a murderer is systematically killing everyone in her family and may strike yet again before she learns to love the Stranger She Married.
The Stranger She Married is book 1 of a familial series called "Rogue Hearts." There are four books planned with a possibility of there being six. Each is a stand alone book you can read without having to read the others.
The Stranger She Married is a very interesting title. How did you arrive at that name?
I wish I had a great story for you, but I'd been agonizing over a title for a few days, brainstorming and not liking any of the ones I'd come up with, and one day as I was folding the laundry (glamorous activity, I know) it just popped into my head. I love the forced/arranged marriage scenario, so I wanted a title that suggested that for others who do, too.
What made you decide to write in this genre?
I love to read it and I love all the movies made in that era. I'm a huge fan of Jane Austen and Charlotte Bronte, but I must admit, until I started doing the research, I wasn't certain of the differences between Regency and Victorian, besides the clothes. Pretty lame, huh? But I went with Regency because it's one of those eras that was fleeting, and unique in many ways and because it sorta has it's own genre. There are "Medievals" and "Regencies," but most of the other time periods are lumped into "Historical." However, I must confess that I mostly I do it for the men. They were an amazing blend of uber-sophisticated gentlemen who could dance and observe social nuances, and were also incredibly masculine. There are few things as manly as a man riding horseback, or fencing, or about to duel for his honor or for the honor of his lady love. Sigh.
Where did you get your idea for this particular book?
I love to look at the other story - the way it would have been told if this book had been about a secondary or walk-on character instead. I wonder about them, their story, their background, their motivation. It basically started as a "what if?" What if the phantom in Phantom of the Opera had been a good guy instead of a murderer? What if the heroine fell in love with him instead of the obvious handsome guy? Plus I love the love triangles, and mystery and a bit of adventure. The finished product is very, very different than Phantom, but that's sorta what inspired it.
What are your favorite historical research books and why?
I refer to Austen a lot because she lived in that era. There are other great books out there, but my best resource is a Regency/Georgian writer's group called Beau Monde. They are amazing and are great about recommending resource books. Many of them are so knowledgeable that they can just answer most questions.
Which character did you like writing about the most, and why?
Wow, that's like asking a mother who her favorite child is! Of course I loved the main characters, even to the point of dreaming about them. A lot of heroes get compared to Cole. I also had lots of fun with the secondary characters. I have a great quirky, snarky aunt. I also have a very cheeky, opinionated valet that I just might have to give his own story. I guess if I have to chose one, it'd be Cole.
Tell us about how you develop your characters. Do you create character sheets, do interviews, that sort of thing? How does your research affect your character development?
To start with, my characters develop as the story does, sort of a seat-of-the-pants kind of thing. Then after I've gotten several chapters written, I go back and interview them or personality-type them to help fill them in and give them more depth. I have a hard time with my men because I always make them too perfect, so then I have to go back and give them something to make them more human, plus give them their fatal flaw, which almost causes me bodily pain.
What are some common speech terms, dress modes, transportation or housing facts that you found interesting for your time period?
I love their formality of speech and dress. I got pretty deeply involved with all the different kinds of carriages and ended up putting a whole research page in my website to help other people keep it straight. There were almost as many difference types of carriages as we have cars.
One thing that I found interesting is that there is a lot of preconceived notions out there as far as what is modern and what is correct for the period. For example, they had tennis shoes - not rubber soled with a Nike swish, but they had special shoes that helped them keep from slipping that they wore when they played tennis; a sport, I might add, that's been around since King Henry VIII! Other things: some people called their father "Dad," including the poet Byron, they called a carriage a "car," and they called men who did mathematical calculations "calculators." So a man could say, "Dad, I'm taking the car as soon as I'm done with the calculator." But readers would think I was crazy and knew nothing about my time period, so I don't.
Do you have any authors that inspired you?
Many. Some of my favorites are Lynn Kurland, Julia Quinn, Lisa Kleypas, Jennifer Ashley, Candice Hern, to name a few.
What do you feel is the most effective promotion you have done for your book?
It's hard to tell which one has been most effective. However, I recently got a piece of fan mail from someone who'd seen my signature line which has the name of my book underneath it and the words, "A Regency Romance" next to it, plus my author website and publisher website. She likes Regencies, so she went and bought it. She said it was her first ever experience with an e-book.
What do we have to look forward next?
I have a Regency novella coming out in April of 2009, plus my current title will also be out in paperback in April. Book two of my Rogue Hearts Series, The Guise of a Gentleman is in the final edit stage and I hope it will be out by the end of 2009.
Thanks, Donna!
To celebrate her book release, Donna Hatch is offering a free e-book of The Stranger She Married to one lucky commenter on today's blog. She will be around all day today. I'm sure some of you have questions or comments for her, so please ask away...(Please make sure we have away to contact you if you win)
Donna has had a passion for writing since the age of 8 when she wrote her first short story. During her sophomore year in high school, she wrote her first full-length novel, a science fiction romance. She wrote her second novel during her senior year, a fantasy romance. Needless to say, English and Creative Writing were always her favorite subjects. In between caring for six children, (7 counting her husband) she manages to carve out time to indulge in her writing obsession, with varying degrees of success, although she writes most often late at night instead of sleeping. A native of Arizona, she is currently a member of Desert Rose RWA and is a member of Beau Monde, a Regency Chapter of RWA. She is the winner of two RWA Chapter contests and has finaled in several others. And yes, all of her heroes are patterned after her husband of 20 years, who continues to prove that there really is a happily ever after.
Check out author's website at www.donnahatch.com
Buy http://www.thewildrosepress.com/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=176_138&products_id=1001
Good Morning Donna. Thanks for blogging with us. Can you tell us what your favorite part of the book is and why? Happy Friday.
Great interview and I really love that cover.
Great interview - Loved it!
Can't wait to read it!
Hello, Donna! Nice to see you promoting your wonderful book again. Having had the pleasure of hosting you at my blog earlier this year, I know this is a special book, and a very good one, just from the excerpts I've read!!
The era and the essence of romance set in this period are so special and unique. It's very appealing, and I'm sure will be happily eaten up by lovers of romance everywhere. I had to smile when I read that all your heroes are modelled after your husband - we all do that, don't we? Write in aspects of the special men we love... I think it's a great tribute to love, to talent, and the men who are so wonderful in our lives.
Many, many sales with this book, and all your others, too.
Happy Holidays and Blessings to all....
Great interview Donna. Love it! Looking forward to reading it.
Some story ideas come from the strangest place. Great cover!
I enjoyed your interview. I like the arranged/forced marriage books.
Goood luck.
Sounds very interesting. Can't wait to read the book. Pick me:)
Hi Donna, is there a genre that you would like to try but haven't
Wow, I love that time period as well. Your book sounds fascinating! Can't wait to get a copy.
Wow, Donna, I'm intrigued by the "modern" language references -- what a fun thing to learn; thanks!
And I can sure sympathize with how a character's fatal flaw gives you actual pain...isn't that the worst?
Laurie, glad THESE characters turn out happy
Loved the interview. I too like Jane Austin.
Have a wonderful holiday.
Great interview, Donna. I love the premise of your story and the information on how you researched for it. I'll have to check out your 'carriage' page, because I'm trying to write a regency now.
Happy Holidays!
Anna Kathryn Lanier
great interview
if your book was made into a film who would you want to have stared in it and why?
The book sounds so intriguing! I've added it to my wish list for April. Congrats, Donna!
Hi Donna! Have you read any of Johanna Lindsay's books and what did you think of them?
deidre_durance at hotmail dot com
I also like the forced/arranged marriage scenario. I like that there are two choices for the heroes here so we aren't sure who it is going to be!
Great interview. Thanks for writing a great clean romance. I hope your book will be a great success.
Hi Donna
Wow, this sounds like an exciting read! And I always wondered "what if" about the Phantom my self... This goes on the wish list!
Great interview, Donna. Your book sounds great.
Great interivew, Donna. I like the Regency period, too, and will be reading your book. I wish you much success. Happy holidays.
Hi Donna,
Enjoyed your interview and your cover is lovely.
Good interview!
My favorite part of the book? Wow that's a tough one. I think it was when Cole realized he'd been and idiot to think she was only mildly pretty...she was, indeed, beautiful and he loved her.
I don't remember reading anything by Johanna Lindsay, but I confess that there are a lot of great authors out there that I have yet to read
I haven't tried any vampire romances yet except for the Twilight books, so I might give them a try.
If I had my book made into a movie I'd want Dean Caine (from the TV series Lois and Clark) to play the hero, and I'd want Catherine Zeta Jones to play the heroine, although Catherine is more beautiful than the heroine is supposed to be, but she's classy and elegant.
first visit to this blog. thanks for the invite Donna. Love the title for the blog spot and your book. Best wishes,
This book just intrigues me! The idea of marrying first and then falling in love is one of my favorites. The cover, the title, the idea...I love it all!
Is it too late to enter for the free book? I'd love to read it.
You're so awesome, Donna!! Congratulations on this new book and everything that is forthcoming. I attended the blogging workshop at the Desert Rose RWA conference a few weeks ago and heard about this blog then. What a treat for you to be featured on it. You have probably drawn your winner, but if not, I'd love to be entered in the drawing. Thanks and take care.
I loved the interview and I found it fascinating how you came to write a regency! Great job with both the book and the interview
Congrats on the release of The Stranger She Married. I love regencies as well as the forced/arranged marriages scenerios. I think it is because there is always a lot more conflict in those stories.
Happy Holidays!
Thank you to everyone who stopped by and left a comment. It was fun to hear from all of you!! The winner of the random drawing is...(drum roll, please)...Stephanie Abney. Congratulations, Stephanie. I will contact you directly to give you the free copy of my book.
My book is available at
Wow!! I won!! How cool is that? Thanks, Donna. I've already downloaded it and can't wait to read it. Glad I stopped by!!!
Merry Christmas and thank you.
Stephanie Abney
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