DOUBLE ENCHANTMENT is a very interesting title. How did you arrive at that name?
All the books in the RELICS OF MERLIN series have some form of ‘enchant’ in the title, and since Jasmina made a twin of herself….
What made you decide to write in this genre?
Where did you get your idea for this particular book?
I tried my hand at writing a Victorian historical romance, and the entire time I was writing it I kept saying “What if?” (I just couldn’t turn off the fantasy lover in me). It always seemed unfair that males inherited the titles and land, so wouldn’t it be wonderful if women had power? Not in strength of arms, but with magic. So, regardless of sex, the child who had inherited the magical power would be heir. And of course, those with more magical abilities would hold the highest title…so the world of Merlin’s Relics was born.
What are your favorite historical research books and why?
The book that I turn to the most whenever I have a question is WHAT JANE AUSTEN ATE AND CHARLES DICKENS KNEW by Daniel Pool. For DOUBLE ENCHANTMENT, I used INSIDE THE VICTORIAN HOME by Judith Flanders to develop the mind-set of not only Jasmina, but also her father and mother as well.
Which character did you like writing about the most, and why?
Tell us about how you develop your characters. Do you create character sheets, do interviews, that sort of thing? How does your research affect your character development?
How do you go about building your world? Do you use maps, charts or drawings?
All of the above (although I’m a terrible artist). I created maps of my alternate Victorian London to keep track of changes to name places (Pall Mall became Pall Mage, Belgrave Square became Gargoyle Square, and I added the Hall of Mages next to Buckingham Palace, for example) because with the influence of magic, the city would develop differently. I also have a ‘map’ of a Victorian mansion, with the type of furniture for each room listed (In England, the first floor of a home is the ground floor, and the first floor is called the second, which is often confusing to my American mind :}). I also have a chart with hereditary titles, how each peer is addressed, and their level of magic. I keep a dictionary of my own words, because I often make them up; and a chart of the relics, when they were discovered, what type of jewel and spell (if known).
What are some common speech terms, dress modes, transportation or housing facts that you found interesting for your time period?
I already mentioned the difference in housing above. I was surprised to discover such early use of water closets, especially one that used dirt to absorb the refuse (called an earth closet). Since neither of them was widely used until later in the century, I usually refrain from mentioning them.
I’m currently compiling a list of Victorian slang that I hope to post here at Much Cheaper Than Therapy soon. I think the most surprising thing I discovered with that (although maybe I shouldn’t have been) was the sheer volume of slang that referred to a woman’s private parts. I should also mention that ‘bloody’ was really considered a very vulgar word in Victorian times, but it’s used so widely today as mild British slang that I use it in my books to capture the flavor of the country. Some of the slang terms I’ve discovered would just be too bizarre for today’s reader, and would just be confusing.
As far as dress modes go, in the time period for ENCHANTING THE BEAST, I discovered an alternate fashion from the corsets and enormous hoops popular in the time period. Since my heroine was a bit of a rebel, she adopted this ‘artistic’ style of dress.
Victorians were known for their prudery. And yet the bustle developed because men admired the sway of a woman’s backside. And isn’t it interesting that although women were clothed head to toe, their bosoms were usually on display, and they had slits in their drawers?
Do you have any authors that inspired you?
I would have to say that my biggest inspiration is my mom, who is a published romance novelist. She taught me that it was not an impossible dream; I just had to work hard.
What do you feel is the most effective promotion you have done for your book?
I have many, but one that I don’t see utilized enough is Gather.com, a social networking site. You can learn more from my own profile: http://kathrynekennedy.gather.com/
But I tell you what, I’ll write a more in-depth article about what it is and how to use it for my next blog entry here at Much Cheaper Than Therapy.:}
What do we have to look forward to next?
I’m currently writing ENCHANTING THE BEAST, about a Victorian ghost-hunter who’s hired to solve the mystery of a were-wolf’s haunted castle. It’s scheduled for release in 2009.
Thanks, Kathryne!
To celebrate her book release, Kathryne is offering a free autographed copy of DOUBLE ENCHANTMENT to one lucky commenter on today's blog. Please make sure we have an e-mail address to contact you if you win. She will be around all day today. I'm sure some of you have questions or comments for her, so please ask away...
Bio. Kathryne Kennedy is a multi-published author of magical romances. She currently has a new series with Dorchester Publishing called the RELICS OF MERLIN. The first book, ENCHANTING THE LADY, was released January 2008 to wonderful reviews. Subsequent books are DOUBLE ENCHANTMENT and ENCHANTING THE BEAST. She lives in Arizona with her husband, son, and two very tiny Chihuahuas.
Check out author’s website at http://www.kathrynekennedy.com/
Hi Kathryne. Great interview. I loved Enchanting the Lady and I really am looking forward to reading Double Enchantment.
Hi Kathryne,
Congrats on your second book in the series. How much time would you say you spend/spent on research for your books? I've started on a manuscript, but feel as if I don't quite know enough to keep it going.
Thank you, Crystal! I can never hear that enough.:}
Thank you, Desire.
I spent several months researching, finding the right research books that would give me 'quick' answers. (I posted my list here on this blog, under For Writers: Research Books). While I'm researching, I am brainstorming the plot and characters, so it goes hand in hand. Even after I've started writing, I still do research...often looking up words to find their origination date to see if they were used in that era.
I'm not sure what you mean when you say you don't know enough to keep going. If it's because you're having difficulty visualizing the world (I'm assuming you're writing straight historical, not fantasy like my books), try looking at some of the research books I listed and read through them. Several are just for facts, but a few really give you a great idea of what it was like to live in the Victorian era.
I hope this helps. I wish you all the best with your writing.
Hey Kathryne. The books sounds great congrats on it. But my question is not about the book. Is that your hair, do you love it or hate it, and how long is it?
LOL, Tami. Okay, it's my real hair, and it is that long, although I just chopped off a couple inches cause it was getting scraggly. I don't know how long it is, it comes to about the middle of my tush. :} It can be very hot, very annoying, takes a long time to wash and brush...but my DH loves it, so it's worth it. It's all pulled forward in the pic, there's a bunch of mousse in it, so it usually doesn't look so...overwhelming.
I can't wait to read Double Enchantment. I'm sure it will be as irresistable as Enchanting the Lady. I couldn't put it down. I think I finished it in 6 hours! Keep up the amazing stories!
PS: I have that slang list if you still want it. =0)
Holy Crap!! I can just imagine the drain in your shower. I would have to have it pulled back all the time.
Thanks so much, Morgan! So kind of you to stop by. And believe it or not, I found a very cool book with slang in it. I've been working on putting together a list of words specific to the Victorian era, and will be posting it here on this blog sometime in the future (I'm finishing up book 3 in the series, and with DE coming out at the end of this month, I haven't had much spare time.) I'll send you the link when it's posted, and we can compare slang.:}
Oh, Tami! Thanks for the giggle.:}
Great! I can't wait to see it! I got an old English teacher of mine from high school in on the project. She was a fountain of knowledge! =0)
Wow! Can't wait to see it too, Morgan.
Hi, Kathryne,
This looks like a series I would love. I look forward to reading both books. I adore fantasy and Merlin. Great interview!
Great interview Kathryne. LOVED Enchanting the Lady, can't wait for Double Enchantment and Enchanting the Beast looks wonderful. An intresting read, ghost hunter looking into a were wolf's haunted castle.
You have done WONDERFULLY with this series. I'm also not the type to 'dissect' books either to find something wrong with them. I read them for the enjoyment of going other places and meeting new people.
Thank you, Rhetta. If you like fun books, I think you will enjoy them.:}
So great to hear that you loved ETL, Daun ann! And it's wonderful to know that you're looking forward to more of my books. It always inspires me to hear that!
Did you find the second novel much easier to write because you already had delved into the magical world?
Hi Natalie,
Not easier, but faster, which was a good thing, since it was the first time I've been on a deadline.:}
Hi Kathryne,
Congratulations on your new book. I received it the other day from my book club and knew it would be fantastic. I was right. Lucky me it just comes in the mail! I love the fact that the family has a secret and the gnomes were just adorable. Take care and I'm looking forward to number three.
Connie Weter
Thanks so much for stopping by and letting me know you enjoyed Double Enchantment! It means a lot to me.
Take care & all my best wishes,
Great interview, Kathryne! I can't wait to read Double Enchantment.
I can't wait to read Double Enchantment. I love your world building and the way you hold sexual tension in your stories.
Thanks so much Erin & Tina! You guys are the best.:}
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