I understand you have a new release out called When Johnny Comes Home. Can you tell us a little bit about your fabulous new story?
When Johnny Comes Home is a very interesting title. How did you arrive at that name?
I played it off that old song When Johnny Comes Marching Home, which is where I got the idea for the book a well as the hero’s name. Of course, the original song was written for soldiers fighting in the Civil War, not World War II, but I think the song is still inspiring as much today as it was when it was first written.Did you have to do a lot of research for the story?
Yes I did. Since this is my first time period piece I went overboard. I was able to find books about that time period and found tons of stuff-especially images of the war letters on the internet. It’s amazing what you can find there. To get the cadence of how people talked (or Hollywood’s version), I remembered some of my favorite movies that were filmed back then like “It’s A Wonderful Life” and tried meld that into my character’s voices and mannerisms. Plus, I remembered stories that my grandmother used to tell of living in the Midwest.What character did you like writing about the most, and why?
Since my shorter stories are all in the heroine’s point of view, I’d have to say her, though I absolutely loved the hero, Johnny.
If your book was made into a movie, what actor would you like to fill your hero’s shoes?
Do you have any authors that inspired you?
Now that’s a question. Having read romances since the 70’s, there’s tons of authors that have influenced me over the years. But I’d say since I’ve started on the journey to publication, it would be all of my fellow Valley of the Sun and Desert Rose authors. I don’t want to list them for fear of leaving a special person out by mistake. Hugs to all of you and thank you. I wouldn't be here without you. Another special thanks to my critique buddies Shelley, Marion, Sandy, Carol, Kerrie and Linda.What do we have to look forward next?
Another loaded question. The print version of Web of Deceit will be available on January 4th, 2008. I’m currently working on another short story for The Wild Rose Press as well as longer books for Harlequin/Silhouette and Avalon Books.
To celebrate her story release, Kim is offering a copy to one lucky commenter on today's blog.
Author Bio:At twelve years old, Kim Watters fell in love with romance after she borrowed a romance novel from her older sister. An avid reader, she was soon hooked on the happily ever after endings. For years, she dreamt of writing her own romance novel, but never seemed to have the time until she relocated from Chicago to Phoenix. The rest, they say, is history. She’s a multi-published author with releases from Avalon Books and The Wild Rose Press. She’s a member of RWA, PASIC, NINC, Valley of the Sun Romance Writers, Desert Rose RWA, and the ACFW.
Author Website: www.kimwatters.comBuy Link: http://www.thewildrosepress.com/index.php?main_page=product_info&products_id=623
What a great interview. I felt like I could hear you talking. I, too, love the young version of Jimmy Stewart, and, lately, I'm starting to look at Matt Damon like he's a grown-up. Your book sounds fantabulous! You go, girl!
Hi Kim!
Great interview. Jimmy Stewart, always a favorite. Your book is on my to be read section and I just moved it up a notch. Talk to you soon. Good luck with your writing.
Hi Kim,
I love stories about sisters! Your heroine is very inspiring to me. She does the right thing, and though there are consequences for her deception, it all comes right in the end. This sounds like a must read to me!
Maggie Toussaint
Hi Kim,
Sweet interview! I love WWII era stories and look forward to reading When Johnny Comes Marching Home. The premise is wonderful and I already feel for the heroine worrying about her fib.:)
Jimmy and Matt are great choices!
'It's a Wonderful Life'. Sigh. That's James S. That's your man. Course, I'd settle for a bit of Matt, too! Great interview, Kim. WELL DONE, U!
Hi Kimi!
This story, like your others, gives a neat twist to a familiar plot--a soldier returning home from war. I can absolutely see Matt Damon as your hero. Great interview. Great story!
Hi Kim,
Very nice interview. Interesting, when I first saw the name of your story on TWRP loop I immediately thought of the old song. ;o)
Sounds like a great read. (Where's my TBR list . . . Ah there 'tis.)
Good luck with your release and future writing.
Sounda great hon!
great inteview. the books sounds really good. :-)
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