Tuesday, January 27, 2015


This gives you an idea of how far behind I am on everything, but I've finally finished the book video for the new fourth book in The Relics of Merlin series, and am sharing it here today. There's a lot of magic in it, so enjoy!

Until Next Time,

Sunday, January 11, 2015


You have a book for sale, now what? It won;t sell itself. You need to market, promote.

While tweeting and retweeting on Twitter, I have come across book promoters. I haven;t used any, but I plan to keep an eye on them and determine if they are worth using. I also don't plan on spending much money, so I'll check their price schedules. I'm not recommending these people, but I will share their names so you can do your own research.

Author Retweet
Free Book Promotions
Review My Ebook
Elite Book Promotions
Free Kindle Books
Tweet Your Book

If you have any information about this list, I would appreciate the feedback.

Good luck,
Tina Swayzee McCright

Thursday, January 8, 2015

New Release– End of Lonely Street by Alicia Dean – Plus an Awesome Giveaway

I’m excited to share my latest release from The Wild Rose Press on what would have been Elvis’ eightieth birthday. ‘End of Lonely Street’ is a Vintage Romance Short Story set in 1957, in the era when Elvis first burst on the scene. Like my heroine in the story, I am a diehard Elvis fan. (As you probably figured out, I took the title from a line in Heartbreak Hotel, which was Elvis’ first million selling record).

Check out End of Lonely Street and enter to win GREAT prizes…

GIVEAWAY: - Entries accepted from January 8, 2015 through noon on January 22, 2015

Three prizes – 

Elvis Gift Basket including DVD, CD, plus more
$25 Amazon Gift Card
$10 Amazon Gift Card

First place winner has first choice, second place winner has second choice, third place winner receives remaining prize.