Thursday, February 13, 2014

Make the Most of your business Cards

I had the good fortune to sit next to Sharon A Moore at the Chocolate Affaire this past weekend. She was a hoot and a half and had a unique idea on how to make the most of that white space on the back of business cards.

On her cooking themed murder mystery book, Mission Impastable, she posted a recipe. It was fun to watch her call folks over to her from across the crowd with the offer of a free and easy recipe for lasagne rolls.

And if they didn't like to cook, well, she had that covered too.

The talented Ms. Moore also writes naughty books and her character offered ten sex tips on the back of that card.

Folks came over in droves.

If you want to read Ms. Moore's other tips, here is the blog post:

Since her adventures extend from the pages of a book to the kitchen, she's also posting a month of appetizers on her personal blog:

Some of them are downright yummy.