Thursday, March 21, 2013

Indie Published and Happy About It!

I'm indie published and I have been previously published with small presses. For years I've tried knocking on New York's door. Either my books were too paranormal or not paranormal enough. Well, last year I decided the heck with it and to go the indie route. So far I haven't regretted a moment. It gives me control and if I fail at it, it will be because of me and only me. I plan on getting my rights back on 5 other books I have.

I can publish what ever length I want. I recently published the first in a short story series. I was in charge of the formatting, cover design, editing, marketing and more. It can be super time-consuming, but it is also very rewarding. It also helps that I have a company, Bella Media Management, that specializes in indie publishing.

Here is a short blurb of the first in my Shades Series, Shades of Gray. (Yes, I know it's the same title of the hugely popular erotic novel, but I couldn't for the life of me think of one that was equally appropriate.)

Kennedy Sinclair is given a pair of simple sunglasses. Or so she thinks. Within twenty-four hours, she discovers they are far from simple or normal. The lenses open a door to the dark side of her personality and a serial killer, who turns his focus on her. Can she outwit, outrun a murderer? And if she survives the night, does she have the strength to become the person destiny has created for her

Barnes & Noble

As an indie author, I can decide when my book will be published. I don't have to wait a year. I know a number of New York published authors who have only the one book coming out this year.

There are a couple of downsides to indie. I believe there is still a stigma out there about the quality of indie published authors. I'm hoping that will change. There is also another downside, and it's major. Distribition. New York buys placement on Amazon and on other online bookstores along with storefront bookstores across the country. I don't have that ability. Not yet. Rumor is that Amazon is planning to offer advertising for indie authors. We will wait and see.

I have heard alot of traditional publishing houses picking up indie authors once they've gotten their platform together and have gotten a readership. Hugh Howey and his Wool series is a case in point. He has a huge best-seller series on his hands and New York came knocking. My understanding is that he sold his print rights and kept his electronic. I think that was a very smart move on his move.

With Barnes & Noble closing one third of their stores, times are a changing. It's going to get harder and harder for readers to get print books unless they order online and that's really going to hamper mid-list authors.

But there is one thing I know whether it be traditional or indie, sales for a author in today's market comes down two major factors: visibility and a good product. At least this is my opinion...and I'm sticking to it right now. ;)

H.D. Thomson

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