Thursday, March 25, 2010

Body Language & Emotion On-Line Class

April 12-23, 2010
MASTER CLASS: "Body Language & Emotion"
by Mary Buckham
$55 at

Prerequisite: Must have a manuscript you're actively working on

If you think you have a good handle on the intentional body language your characters use on the page but want to create more depth, greater subtext, clearer messages for your readers, then consider EMOTIONAL BODY LANGUAGE...a look at nuances that can make all the difference between so-so characterization and great characterization. Along with some of the subtle, but oh so fun differences between the body language of men and that of women, you’ll learn:

* The differences between aggressive and defensive body language
* Dominant and Submissive body signals
* Negative body messages
* Open, closed or relaxed positions
* Attentive and Power body language
* Leadership body messages
* Reading deception through body language
* Non-verbal greetings

Mary Buckham is co-author of BREAK INTO FICTION: 11 Steps to Building a Story That Sells and an award-winning Romantic Suspense author. She has hundreds of free-lance articles to her credit, a non-fiction book and is a former Magazine Editor. Currently she is a national writing-workshop presenter, both online and at conferences and wherever writers meet around the country. Mary encourages you to visit her website at for more information about her and her current writing projects.

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