The year prior to the start of the story, Garnet Patton’s daughter, Sophie, was kidnapped from her preschool by Garnet’s ex-husband. Garnet, a high school teacher in Alaska, faces a long summer without Sophie. Friends know she needs to stay busy or she’ll fall apart. Work and friends have been her salvation.
In Atlanta, GA, detective Julian Cavenaugh gets a call from his mom who lives in a nearby small town. Julian’s dad, a postman near retirement, is sure he’s found a little girl pictured on one of the missing children postcards he gets each week to deliver. He thinks the child is living with a new family on his mail route. The problem is—Julian’s dad thought that once before and he goofed. It caused a huge controversy in town and Julian’s father almost lost his job.
Julian elects to take a well deserved vacation to see if his dad is right or wrong. The jaded bachelor cop, who comes from a large, happy family, personally thinks his dad is wrong again. But he will do what it takes to protect the really good-hearted man. And Julian certainly doesn’t expect to feel anything for a stranger, a woman who is working and socializing with friends instead of exhausting every resource looking for her daughter.
Looking For Sophie is a very interesting title. How did you arrive at that name?
My working title was: The Atlanta Detective. The title was changed after the book was written, from a list of possible titles I sent to my editor.
Did you have to do a lot of research for the book?
I talked to some cops who have worked domestic kidnappings, did some digging into missing children where the person making off with the child is a non custodial parent, and I chose settings I’ve visited as I always try to do.
What character did you like writing about the most, and why?
I liked all of the characters in this book, primary and secondary. Each had a special role to play. I tried to go deep into the hearts and souls of all the players, because I knew from the beginning that I wanted this book to have an unconventional ending. And I was worried about how it would be received by readers. I’m grateful that the letters I’ve received to date have all been positive. And readers have shared their own touching stories and said the book caused them happy tears.
If your book was made into a movie, what actor would you like to fill your hero’s shoes?
I’m not sure since I’m not an avid movie goer. The hero would have to be someone with quiet intensity, but who has a lot of heart.
Do you have any authors that inspired you?
So many stretching back to the individuals who wrote Nancy Drew stories and others I consumed as a kid. When I started writing just to see if I could, I lived in Seattle. I was fortunate to have met so many wonderful and encouraging writers who helped me along my journey. I credit any success I have to Harlequin editor, Paula Eykelhof, who I’ve been privileged tow work with throughout my writing career.
What do we have to look forward next?
I’ve recently finished two Superromances. Both only have working titles to date. One features a heroine who suffers from memory loss. Her mother lied to her about her background. The other has a hero and heroine who fell in love and married as teens, had their marriage annulled, but meet again as adults through an odd circumstance.
Thanks for inviting me to talk about my career and about Looking For Sophie,
You're welcome!
You're welcome!
To celebrate her book release, Roz is offering an autographed copy of Looking For Sophie to one lucky commenter on today's blog.
Bio: While working as a secretary at an elementary school in Phoenix, Roz freelanced a series of self-help articles and a short story. Her youngest daughter and friends, all voracious readers, were consuming Harlequin/Silhouette books. The girls badgered Roz to write a romance. A move to Seattle in 1986 opened the doors to do that when she took a college creative writing class and met other writers who introduced her to Romance Writers of America. She attended her first national conference and came home to write the book that would be her first sale to Harlequin Romance in 1989 under the pseudonym Roz Denny. After Roz's sixth traditional romance, her editor moved to Superromance, and she invited Roz to submit a longer, more mainstream-style book.
With Superromance, Roz added her real last name, (Fox). Her thirtieth Superromance will be released in December 2007 under Roz Denny Fox.As well she=s written three books for the Harlequin American imprint, two Signature Selects, and in August 2007, her first Harlequin Everlasting Love.
Bio: While working as a secretary at an elementary school in Phoenix, Roz freelanced a series of self-help articles and a short story. Her youngest daughter and friends, all voracious readers, were consuming Harlequin/Silhouette books. The girls badgered Roz to write a romance. A move to Seattle in 1986 opened the doors to do that when she took a college creative writing class and met other writers who introduced her to Romance Writers of America. She attended her first national conference and came home to write the book that would be her first sale to Harlequin Romance in 1989 under the pseudonym Roz Denny. After Roz's sixth traditional romance, her editor moved to Superromance, and she invited Roz to submit a longer, more mainstream-style book.
With Superromance, Roz added her real last name, (Fox). Her thirtieth Superromance will be released in December 2007 under Roz Denny Fox.As well she=s written three books for the Harlequin American imprint, two Signature Selects, and in August 2007, her first Harlequin Everlasting Love.
Check out author’s website at www.korynna.com/RozFox.
Buy on line or at your local bookstores.
Roz! Great interview and what a fascinating topic. My husband was actually kidnapped by his father when he was small, 4-5, I think and it was the only time he ever spent any time with that side of the family, still has memories of it. When they found him, his mother went with the police to pick him up, but he'd been well-cared for. I think, in a weird way, it at least showed him that his father wanted him, really, even if he wasn't around as he should have been). But, I know the picture isn't as cheery for other children. This is the most common kind of kidnapping, isn't it?
I suppose it's some small peace that you know your child is with someone who hopefully won't hurt them... lots of dynamics there to play with as a writer, I bet.
As for an actor, I haven't read the book yet, but "quiet intensity" always says to me David Boreanaz or maybe Michael T Weiss.
Merry Christmas!
Hi Roz. I enjoyed your interview and look forward to reading, "Looking For Sophie."
Another great interview from a great lady. Have a Merry Christmas.
What a wonderful interview! What I love about your books, Roz, is that you involve your reader emotionally right away. I hope I win your new book, but if not, I'll be sure to pick it up next time I'm in the bookstore!
Roz, what a great story on an emotionally charged topic. I loved the twist with the postman and I'll certainly look for it in the store.
Looking forward to reading your book. Missing children seems to be epidemic in today's world and I think anything that calls attention to the problem is important. Even if the kidnapped child is taken care of it is not the best thing for the child.
I just picked of Looking for Sophie the other day at Target! Can't wait to read it.
Cathy Mc
Hi Roz.
Great interview, and I agree with you that Paula is a wonderful editor. I learned so much from her. The book sounds wonderful and I can't wait to read it. Maybe when I'm out finishing my shopping today I'll pick up a little stocking stuffer for myself. :-)
Hope your holidays are wonderful and all the best in the new year.
A bit late but finally made it here. I've read Looking For Sophie and enjoyed it very much. Had to smile, Roz, thinking how well travelled you must be considering where I've been through the pages of so many of your books. Missing childrens' pictures and some info about them are on the backs of our credit card envelopes. They have been there for a few years now and I always used to look carefully at them and then the habit slipped away but since reading L F S the Dec. bills have arrived and I looked carefully at those, will pick up the habit again, thanks to you.
I didn't get back to comment last night, because we went to a dinner party for a friend's birthday. Our own daughter's birthday was the day before, so we felt like we were back celebrating her special day, even if she's not in AZ to celebrate with now. We used to try hard to find things to do at the Christmas season, that weren't Christmasy. Tough to do.
Anyway---the winner of a book is "faechilde" If you pop back in, send me your mailing address via my email: rdfox@worldnet.att.net. Congratulations, and thanks to all who stopped by to comment.
Roz, I love how your interview sounds EXACTLY like you talking in person!
And I'm right there with Sam in voting for David Boreanaz -- he'd be perfect for Julian
Laurie, who likes the new title even better than the original
Thank you so much Roz. I'm so excited. *Smile* I'll email you the info.
I think Brad Pitt would make a nice Julian Cavanaugh. Brad is splendid at "quiet intensity".
Roz, I loved your November release for the Everlasting line, "A Secret to Tell You". I loved everything about it - the setting, the characters, April's occupation, the plot.
I haven't read "Looking for Sophie" yet, although I bought it as soon as it was on the shelves.
I must admit that I am reading Christmas stories right now. Love them at this time of year.
Roz, how very naughty of you! Now that I've read about Searching for Sophie, I'll have to brave the holiday shopping crowds at Target to go pick up a copy! You're characters are always so well developed -- I can't wait to read and fall in love with these.
Oops! Sorry, I've got that alliteration thing going on. I meant to say, Looking for Sophie!
I've never read a book by Roz that didn't engage me emotionally. Her characters leap to life from the pages of her books. One of my all-time favorite books is Roz' Someone to Watch Over Me, which deals with a woman in the aftermath of the murder of her children. Most romance authors wouldn't have touched that topic with a ten-foot pole, but Roz pulled it off beautifully. Roz is a special lady and an extraordinary writer. I can't wait to read "Looking for Sophie!"
To everyone who stopped by to comment, I thank you. Carrie, Shelley, Laurie, and both Anne's are biased I think. I'm humbled by your continued interest in my work.
There are so many great books out now that it gets more difficult with each book to deliver a new story with a twist.
I sent faechild's winning book off in yesterday's mail.
This has been such fun, and in the holiday season. Again I thank you all for taking time to visit.
Kim does have a neat site.
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