Sunday, September 30, 2012


I love this picture! This is how I feel sometimes when I am plotting a novel. I enjoy the process, for the most part, but am always afraid there might be a sagging middle, or the plot twists might not be unique enough for an editor, or too unique for the them to take a risk on buying the novel, etc. At every writer's meeting someone will tell you how to write a book well and they don't always agree with each other.

When I want advice from the experts, I turn to my favorite craft book Writing the Breakout Novel by Donald Maass. His literary agency sells more than one hundred manuscripts to the top publishers every year.

In his chapter regarding plot, he reminds us conflict is the essence of the story, but we also need a sympathetic character who confronts this conflict. He also discusses the importance of creating tension on every page. I highly suggest you read his book.

Until next Sunday,
Happy writing!
Tina Swayzee McCright

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