Thank you for having me! I love being a guest on our site. Okay, here’s the blurb for Haunting Embrace, Book 4—and final story—in my Mists of Ireland series.
Within Meaghan Ballagh surges the blood of an ancient sorceress whose long ago love for the druid Áedán ended in treachery—a fate that ensnares Meaghan herself when she is thrust into the past. She can feel the desire between the sorceress and the handsome druid rise inside her. To ensure her survival, she must piece together the history of the woman who haunts her and the man who needs her.
Áedán recognizes Meaghan. He always will. For the spirit of his one true love—and immortal enemy—is in her. A woman for whom Áedán once risked everything he ever had only to be repaid with betrayal and eternal damnation. This time, he’s not going to let Meaghan escape—because together they have the power to change their destiny.
As the passion between them grows, so do their fears of arousing an ancient, haunted, and forbidden love, and for changing a past that could irrevocably destroy the future.
What made you decide to write in this genre?
I love paranormal—always have, always will. When I was a young adult there weren’t the many choices of paranormal that there are now, so I had to look to Horror to fill that need. Now the choices are endless. I love the idea that normal, everyday people might have extraordinary powers and I’m fascinated by the idea that maybe time isn’t linear, maybe it’s fluid and changes to the past are simply things that were meant to be…..
Where did you get your idea for this particular book?
It came to me naturally from the story arc of the series. While each book in the Mists of Ireland series are stand alone titles, they are part of an over-arching story that is reflected in each one.
What are your favorite paranormal research books or sites, and why?
I love the quirky “Encyclopedia’s of” books. Currently reading Encyclopedia of Demons and Demonology, the Encyclopedia of Angels and the Encyclopedia of Spirits and Creatures. They give a quick, brief overview to help me find out what I want to research without slogging through tome’s of information.
Which character did you like writing about the most, and why?
For Haunting Embrace, it was my hero, Áedán. Áedán has an interesting role in my series and, in fact, for most of it he is considered the villain. Watching him transform into a man who hates the world and himself into someone who can love again… That’s what makes me want to be a writer. :)
For me the character emerges as I write him/her. They are products of their actions and words. I have a general sense of person when I start and I usually have an idea of where they come from, but sometimes it’s the words they speak that bring them to life for me.
How do you go about building your world if you use one? Do you use maps, charts or drawings?
I use a little of all. A lot of my world is in my head, though. I see it like I’m watching a movie and I’m able to rewind and zoom when necessary.
Do you have any authors that inspired you?
Oh too many to list. I’m in awe of many writers.
What do you feel is the most effective promotion you have done for your book?
Ha. Writing them. Seriously, I’m not convinced that any promotion is effective. Unless it comes from top down (meaning the publisher is pushing the book) it’s all just a shot in the dark. Who knows if it’s hitting anyone?
However, I am running a fun contest right now that is connected to promotion called Spread the Word http://www.erinquinnbooks.com/Spread_the_Word.htm (be sure to click on the image to enlarge and see all the cool prizes)
What do we have to look forward next?
Haunting Embrace brings my Mists of Ireland series to a close and now I’m working on something new. Not ready to talk about—in fact, haven’t even proposed it to my publisher. But I’m very excited about it.
Thanks, Erin!
To celebrate her book release, Haunting Embrace is offering a free book of an autographed copy of Haunting Desire, book 3 in the Mists of Ireland series to one lucky commenter on today's blog. (please check the blog Monday night to see if you won. Chances of winning determined by the number of entries.)
She will be around all day today. I'm sure some of you have questions or comments for her, so please ask away...
Erin Quinn is an award winning author. Her books have been called “riveting,” “brilliantly plotted” and “beautifully written” and have won, placed or showed in the Booksellers Best, WILLA Award for Historical fiction, the Orange Rose, Golden Quill, Best Books, and Award of Excellence. Book four in her Mists of Ireland series, HAUNTING EMBRACE, will be in bookstores October 2011.
Check out author’s website at www.erinquinnbooks.com
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