BENEATH THE THIRTEEN MOONS is actually a re-release of the original hardcover novel in mass-market paperback. About a world that is covered in water, with enormous trees growing up from the ocean floor to support all life, it’s a story about how the love between one man and one woman changes the course of the world, and ultimately ensures the planet’s very survival.
BENEATH THE THIRTEEN MOONS is a very interesting title. How did you arrive at that name?
I swear the title must have been inspired from a song title somewhere, cause it sure sounds like it. :} But truly, there are thirteen moons circling my magical new world, and that’s how I derived the name for it.
What made you decide to write in this genre?
After a few years of writing fantasy short stories, this was my very first full-length manuscript, and I just combined everything that I loved. The creation of a new world, the fantasy of a root that gives humans magical powers, love at first sight, opposites attracting, and how true love has the power to change the world.
Where did you get your idea for this particular book?
For this one I started with the world, inspired by my love of the jungle, the ocean, and a bit of Venice thrown in.
What are your favorite fantasy research books, and why?
Hmm, I don’t use fantasy research books, per se. What I do is read a LOT of fantasy novels. I’m currently reading MASQUES by Patricia Briggs, one of several authors whose voices I love so much that I read whatever they write (Yes, I often search Amazon for their out of print books as well.) What I found truly coincidental is that MASQUES was also the first manuscript she’d written, and like MOONS, had been printed in a limited edition (you’d have to read her intro go get the humor here), and was a re-release in mm paperback. What are the odds?
Which character did you like writing about the most, and why?
Oh, my heroine, Mahri Zin, cause she’s so wild and free and independent. I would love nothing more than to have her take me on a journey through her dangerous swamplands.
Tell us about how you develop your characters. Do you create character sheets, do interviews, that sort of thing? How does your research and world affect your character development?
I don’t always create a book the same way. For MOONS, I developed the world first, and then created the characters based on the life they would live on this world. Their personalities are a result of their experiences, and although when I first started writing I did long involved character sheets, I realized I didn’t use half of what I outlined, that my characters developed with the story. So other than basic details, I don’t define my characters too strictly any more. I allow them to grow with the story.
How do you go about building your world? Do you use maps, charts or drawings?
All of the above. But that’s just to keep track of particular details. Most of the time it grows in my imagination as a living and breathing character all of its own.
Do you have any authors that inspired you?
So many! I’m an avid reader, and I visit different sections in the bookstore. Romance, Fantasy, Sci Fi, Mystery…but only occasionally Horror. I get freaked out too easily.
What do you feel is the most effective promotion you have done for your book?
I’ve answered this question many times before, and it’s still the same: my website. Any promo I do always directs my readers to it. They can email me through it, join my newsletter, read first chapters, get promo goodies, watch videos, and more. I want a strong connection with my readers, and I strive for that with whatever I do.
What do we have to look forward next?
The second book of THE ELVEN LORDS series, THE LADY OF THE STORM, is releasing in August of 2011. I’m currently hard at work on the third book, LOVING THE LORD OF ILLUSION. And as usual, I’m already in love with my hero. :}
Thanks, Kathryne!
To celebrate her book release, Kathryne’s publisher is offering a free copy of BENEATH THE THIRTEEN MOONS to one lucky commenter on today's blog. (please check the blog Monday night to see if you won. Chances of winning determined by the number of entries.)
She will be around all day today. I'm sure some of you have questions or comments for her, so please ask away...
He's a ruler in a divided world... In a magical watery world of the Sea Forest, the divide between the rulers and the people is an uncrossable chasm. Handsome, arrogant prince Korl Com'nder has lived a life of luxury that is nothing more than a fantasy to the people he rules. Until the day he is accidentally kidnapped by a beautiful outlaw smuggler and is forced to open his eyes to the world outside his palace walls. She's an outcast, but at least she has her independence... Mahri Zin would stop at nothing to save her village, and when they needed a healer she didn't think twice about kidnapping one. But when she realizes that the healer she so impulsively stole is none other than the crown prince of Sea Forest, Mahri knows that she has a chance to change the fate of her people...
Kathryne Kennedy is a multipublished, award-winning author of magical romances. She’s lived in Guam, Okinawa, and several states in the U.S., and currently lives in Arizona with her wonderful family—which includes two very tiny Chihuahuas. She welcomes readers to visit her website where she has ongoing contests at: www.KathryneKennedy.com.
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Good morning Kathryne. It's so good to have you here as a quest. I'll get your double dose of chocolate and sugar plums ready in a second. Beneath the Thirteen Moons sounds like anothe rwonderful tale. Since this is a release with a new publisher, I'm curious how many changes you made from the original book? Enjoy your day.
Hi Kathryne, I have to admit your ability to create different fascinating worlds truly amazes me. My local bookstore finally got in your last book, The Fire Lord's Lover and I plan on delving in next week (have to get my students final grades in first :-(
Now I'll have the bookstore order this one. I can't wait!
Beneath the Thirteen Moons sounds just as fantastical as The Fire Lord's Lover. I'd love to read it. I was already anticipating book 2 of the Elven series but I am thrilled to know there will be a book 3!!! Love it. :)
Hi Kim! I was tempted to rewrite the entire book, but then, it would have been an entirely different story. So other than a few minor changes, I left it as is.
Hi Alexis! I'm so glad you enjoy the worlds I create, because I sure do love creating them. :} So good to hear you got TFLL, I think you will really like the new world...and Dominic, such a tortured hero, and Cassandra, deadly and vulnerable all at the same time. Good luck with the contest!
Hi Scorpio! Great to hear from you! Yes, there's a book three, LOVING THE LORD OF ILLUSION, which will complete the overall story arc...although there are also two prequels that I am considering. Good luck in the contest!
Kathryne, it's always a treat seeing the worlds you come up with -- and such a gift for fantasy makes it all the more impressive that you're so down-to-earth in person!
Hi Kathryne. Your book sounds amazing.
Hi Laurie! Thank you for the sweet comment. You are a such a lovely person!
Hi CrystalGB! So glad to hear you think so. :} Good luck in the drawing!
Don't enter me since I was lucky enough to already win a copy and can't wait to read it since I enjoyed The Fire Lord's Lover so much and looking forward to the two that come after.
I love Patricias Briggs's Masques and love that you have a chance to re-release this book. I also cannot wait for Lady of the Storm.
Sounds like you created an awesome world to read about!
Hi Catslady! Very sweet of you to stop by and comment. I just mailed your book to you the other day, so you should be getting it within the next week (Christmas mail not withstanding.) :}
Hi Stephanie! So glad you're looking forward to book 2 in THE ELVEN LORDS series! Thanks so much for commenting!
Hi Estella! Thank you for the lovely comment. :}
Hi, Kathryne:
Thank you for giving us a glimpse into your writing life. I love it when authors talk about their craft. It is inspiring to discover that I work in a similar way to another writer. Makes me feel like I'm getting somewhere!
Hi. I did't know about your books. Now i want read the first to be able to read this one. It seems awesome.
I just bought The Fire Lords Lover on Friday night and finished it this morning. What a great book! So I hopped over to your blog to see what would be next and saw this contest. Beneath the Thirteen Moons sounds awesome too!
I read it when it was first released and I loved it!
Hi Vicki! Glad to hear I helped!
Hi Jaz! It's great to meet a new reader. :}
Hi Christa! Thank you for the lovely compliment. So glad to hear you enjoyed TFLL enough to read it so quickly!
Hi Tina. Well, you're once special lady. :}
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