Sunday, January 3, 2010

The Neurotic Writers's New Years Resolutions

The Neurotic Writer’s
New Years Resolutions

Just for Laughs
Although Tina LaVon may do a few of these.

Read astrological chart daily and follow its advice.
Make a list of agents with compatible astrological signs to pitch to in 2010.
Write daily.
Never send a submission when Mercury is in Retrograde.
Find a place to write which has positive energy.
Write daily.
Retreat in Sedona where you can brainstorm novel in a vortex.
Carry crystals in bra to keep them close to the heart.
Write daily.
Wear bracelet with lucky charms to ward off evil.
Create writing warm-up rituals to start each session.
Write goals and keep them under the pillow

And….Write Daily!

Did you write any resolutions?

The Neurotic Writer wishes you a wonderful 2010!

Until next week,
Happy Writing!
Tina LaVon


Anonymous said...

Hey Tina, thanks for the laugh. Again! I don't make resolutions, just goals. And yes, one is to write at least five days a week. Gotta have a break sometime. See you soon.

Author Kathryne Kennedy said...

I just adore your neurotic writer, Tina! I hope one of your resolutions is to keep her posts coming!